Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I just want to congratulate myself for posting FORTY (40) posts so far this year WHILE going to school full time, and working 20 hrs a week. I also have a social life and exercise occasionally. How do I do it!? Oh honey I have NO idea. Except that alot of my school work is really suffering this semester and I have several assignments that I have yet to turn in. But lets not talk about those. Procrastinating homework is the reason why I've gotten so good at BLOGGING! I also would like to congratulate myself for recently surpassing over 500 hits on this blog. Someone besides me reads this mess!!! Praise Jesus! I'm not just writing to myself after all ;)

So-what should we talk about today?

How about things we are thankful for. Today I talked to a lady....she listened to my life. And as I was telling her my problems, I couldn't help but feel a huge overwhelming feeling of gratitude for everything that is in my life right now. I have an amazing job, I have a family that adores me and would do anything for me. And I would do the same for them. I have a great home. I eat alot of good food. And I mean ALOT....and I am still in good shape. yeah! I am in good health and feel good about myself as a person and about my body. And most of all right now....I have friends. I have so many of the most amazing friends that a girl could ever ask for and they have saved my life. When I tell my mom about each one of these friends she breathes out a sigh of relief because she knows that ever since I was like 13, my friends have been staples in my life. They are gems to me. And I have SO MANY best friends because I treasure them, and I make them stick. I NEVER give up on a friend that I really love.

Alot of my most memorable moments in my life are with my best friends, laughing till we peed our pants over the most random things that wouldn't even be funny to anyone else, discovering the ups and downs of life together, or even sharing hard times with one another. And even though my friends now are all new, I am actually thankful for having to start over. I never thought I would say that but I really am. I couldn't imagine my life without these new people that I love so much! And I had to be stretched a bit out of my comfort zone to find them....its not easy going out on your own and trying to find a place to belong! But it has been SO worth it. I am so thankful for the moments that we have together and know we will have a million more! Friendship to me does not just come over night; its a million little things that add up to a greater love for another person. And its amazing how little things like friendship bracelets, fro-yo, and diet coke can make me love someone SO much.........

Thanks for being in my life.

1 comment:

Brittan said...

I'm grateful to have you as a longtime friend. Even when we're far apart for long periods of time, I know our friendship is there. :)