Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Monkey Mind

I feel strange posting on this blog. It feels sort of like an out of body experience. Like this blog doens't really belong to me. I look at it and I see so many old pieces of me here. No new pieces of me. Those are still being found.

I'm here because I am on a new journey. I am here seeking refuge and insight about myself. Chances are that no one even reads this blog anymore. Even if they are, i'm not writing for them. I am writing for me. I'm here to find myself.

For I am lost in a state of monkey mind. I'ver recently learned to mediate. I'm not great at it but I am doing it. Mediation happens when you let everything go blank. You let your muscles droop and lose life. You let your body hang lose and relax. You breathe deeply in and out, in and out calmly. You soften and clear your mind. To relax your muscles you tighten each muscle group at a time, then release from your head to your toes. And after you are completely relaxed you let your mind settle and clear. It is in this state that you enter the monkey mind.

In the state of the monkey mind a series of memories and images will flash across your mind. Each one is different and unique. It is in the state of the monkey mind that you can begin to reach what is really hidden within one's own mind. With each memory that flashes you neither judge it nor reject it, but notice and acknowledge it before it moves along.

In the monkey mind I will find myself. In this hypnotic state I find hidden crevices inside myself and I search for the blockage that resides within me.  I am on a journey to find my tribe and my people.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kelly Knows

I don't wanna be left behind
Distance was a friend of mine
Catching breath in a web of lies
I've spent most of my life
Riding waves, playing acrobat
Shadowboxing the other half
Learning how to react
I've spent most of my time

Catching my breath, letting it go, turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life, I won't be told what's supposed to be right