Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm a super star!

Hey guys guess what I should be doing right now:

Writing a composition for Choral Arranging class
Studying for a huge Chinese test that I have friday
Making up homework that I have yet to turn in
Submitting my financial aid application.
Practicing my singing for 1.5 hours
paying the parking ticket I got the other day.

Wanna know how that is going?

SHAFT. Shaft shaft shaft. All of those are getting shafted! This is what i'm actually doing:

Watching Youtube videos like 'The Creep'
listening to Ingrid Michaleson's Everybody
Going to spin class with with one of my new favorite people that just so happens to share the same name as me.
getting fro-yo with another one of my new favorite peoplee-I love fro-yo!
stalking my faves on facebook....I have so many favorite people! Just how it goes when you are as lucky as me I guess.
Reading my little sister's blog
trying to come up with anything I can to keep from having to do nast homework.
thinking about how hungry I am and how much I want to eat food but DON'T want to go grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping. Dunno why, but I hate it. So I'm DEF not doing that today since we aren't doing productive things right now!

Do you detect a little bit of pride because of this?? Darn straight!!! I am proud and even feel like I deserve a pat on the back for this attitude. It takes courage to do nothing in a world that is all about productivity and over-achieving. You could even call me a trend setter! I'm doing society a favor right now by sticking it to the man. I shouldn't have to contribute to society. You know why? Because I'm a Super Star. Capitol S. Captiol S. Thats right up there with celebrities! And you do think Celebrities do homework? I don't think so. Do you think celebrities engage in ridiculous mind-engagdging activities when they don't want to? Definitely not. Super Stars don't either my fine friends. I also strongly believe in my right to instigate dance parties with my self and others any time of the day that i like, responsibilities or not. Besides, I hate being responsible. Since I'm a celebrity now, here are some super chic pictures of me.

These are all of my super star poses. I took these just now for all my fans. I was gonna tweet these to you but i'm slow and don't know how to use advanced technology like that so my blog will have to suffice.

Hope you are having as great a day as me!!!

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