Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fashion Passion....

If you know me at all, you know that I teach the missionaries at the MTC. And I absolutely LOVE them! We totally have all these inside jokes between just us 4 and I feel like they are my little brothers. Sometimes they tell me that talking about baptism with investigators should be like sending subliminal messages.
"So how was your day today....cough.baptism.....how's your family?" HAHAHA we do this all the time now!
Sometimes I call them elders to the 3rd power, or elders cubed, because there are three of them, and when they have unity, their power isn't just added together, but magnified! They are leaving on monday and I'M SAD! I'm gonna miss those little guys. I'll post some pictures soon.
Well the other day i was having my weekly interview with one of them. And He just kept saying "i can't speak Cantonese. And I think that no one likes me"
And I was like "Elder if you expect people not to like you, they won't! Plus, what's not to like? If you keep telling yourself that you can't learn Chinese, then you won't! You have to change how you feel about yourself. Every time you want to say that you can't speak Cantonese, I want you to lie back to yourself and say that you can. Say it all day long. Say it to yourself in the mirror in the morning. Say it in the shower, write it in your Journal. Just keep saying that to yourself until you believe it, and then it will come true"
I really believe this. Power of positive thinking baby. Well its time to take my own advice. And here is my own big crisis.....


I have very bad fashion sense. Since college i have come across a few people that have 'critiqued' the way that I dress myself, and have given me a complex about it.I buy clothes that are too big, bright colors, out of style but on sale, previously worn, and thrift store finds. Well brothers and sisters, i've decided to change this about myself. It's time to change my ways and get down to business.

two weeks ago I came home to find 2 clothing catalogues on my coffee table. I now dress just like half the girls in those magazines. Unoriginal? Probably. But who freaking cares because I look GOOD and people actually compliment me lately. I also copy all of the other girls at school....they look good and they wear army pants and flip flops, so I wear army pants and flip flops. They also wear skinny jeans and boots with skirts and cool scarves......fashion is becoming sort of an obsession for me. And therefore, I WILL be good at it. I mean, if brainless models can pick out cool clothes, shoot I pretty much have a college degree so how hard can that be? And i think I look just as good as them, even without plastic surgery. That's right. I said that. This is my fashion passion.

Here's a picture of some of the stuff I bought because I copied anthropology and Jcrew models......

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