Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Honey just remember-you are 32 flavors and then some.

This has been one of my favorite songs for a long time. I love Ani DiFranco's voice and the lyrics to this song just really stick with me. Probably because people in this world will try to tear you down. They will try to criticize who you are, or maybe even just make you feel bad about yourself unintentionally. But it doesn't matter. Because we are great. Every single person that is reading this. We are unique, and sometimes ignorant people can't see that. We will rise up from the ash of criticism and cynicism to maintain the integrity of who we are. You are better than 32 flavors. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. I think I get this point of view from my father. He always taught me to stick up for myself, and believe in my self. He taught me to be strong and independent. This song personifies that to me. Take a listen.

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