Thursday, April 7, 2011


Among all my 'friend'-imonys lately, let me take a second to blog about someone that I absolutely love. Her name is Laura. Laura Masterson actually. Meet little sister! In our family we like to call her "fish". Its been her nick name for as long as I can remember and it came from some pokemon we used to call her named warfish that got changed to 'lor'fish....and then shortened to just fish. And it stuck. Little sis just cut all of her hair off and donated it to charity-which is what makes me want to blog about her. Even though my sister and I are very different, we have always been very close and I just love her to PIECES!!!
When I was in high school and had to work late nights on my roller skates at sonic, I would come home to little crayon colored notes on the door of my room from her saying "welcome home" with roller-skates drawn on the front. She comes to all my concerts and recitals and tells me her favorite songs. Ever since I can remember, she has always supported me. I can't describe it but being a big sister comes with huge responsibility. I will always feel that it is my duty to protect and look out for her! I have always told laura that if she ever got cancer and had to lose her hair, I would shave my head too and we would get wigs together! Haha now THATs love. And I really would do that for her.
Now-I really hope we don't get cancer lol. But My sister has gone through alot in her life. And she is unbelievably talented! You should see this girl draw a dino! REMARKABLE! And she is quite the actress let me tell ya! She has become SO strong throughout her life, and has always been a person of upstanding integrity, and charity (As evidenced by donating all of her gorgeous hair to locks of love!) She would do anything for a friend or for one of us. I am so proud of who she is and I couldn't imagine not having a little sister. She's the greatest.

1 comment:

Laura Masterson said...

well, turns out i have been very lax in my blog stalking as of late but i really do love this. you know i would do anything for you!

xoxoxo love you always