Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I really love writing on this blog. It just seems to help me sort out who I am, what my personality is, whats important to me, and my style. So the thing that is coming up in my mind lately is.....

Valentines day.

Yes....its coming. Im not sure how i feel about it this year. I think I have only had a boyfriend for maybe like 2 valentines of my whole life. And i always still LOVED the holiday whole heartedly. I never even batted an eyelash at being single. And mostly i just really really love holidays. I always have. Ironically, my favorite holiday is Halloween! Oh man i miss that holiday...who can beat dressing up in crazy costumes and dance parties and begging for candy! I think i went trick or treating until I was like 19! And i would still go if someone would go with me :) partly because i can easiliy pass for a 16 yr old.

but thats not the point. VALENTINES day is on monday, and there are no costumes to hide under, and you only get candy if someone gives it to you. And im not sure if i even want anyone to give me any....sheesh. What a confusing holiday!

Usually my mom always sends me a bouquet of flowers....what a great mom! And me and my friends get together go to out and get our favorite girl food, followed by movies or just something to entertain ourselves. well, seeing as most of my best friends are married now, Im not sure how thats gonna go down. But i do know this.....

I have always stood by the claim that valentines day is NOT ONLY for couples. It is for love in general. And i got TONS o that! I love my family, and my friends dearly. I love my fish, and all my stuffed animals. I love flowers and those little hearts that have messages on them. They now have ones that say stuff like "tweet me" and "jump for love". my friend showed me the other day cause she had a box and took a picture of all the funny ones. Its kinds like those hot sauce packets at taco never know what message you are gonna get! personally i would love it if some guy asked me to marry him with a taco bell hot sauce packet but thats just me. cause i love taco bell. mmmmmh.

newho. I am deciding right now that i am going to celebrate valentines day! I am going to get boxes of those cheap hearts that everyone reads and noone wants to eat. And those little cartoon valentines that you get when you are a kid. And i am going to give away the love in my heart through bat man stickers and fold up messages. Get excited cause its going to be ding dong ditch style. OOOH and i think ill make my friends go to taco bell with me too.

YESSSSS. Best valentines ever.

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