Saturday, February 19, 2011

here's one for the biebs.....

So for valentines day i got a little more than a bargained for this year. My little sister lives at liberty square across the street from me. She lives with five little partners in crime and they all met freshman year. And since she came to college she seems to think that she is too cool to hang out with her big sister. You know that too cool for school phase that teenagers have? well thats what my sister is going through right now, and she's 20. Come on little sis? what happened to the times when you looked up to me and thought I was so cool? One time I was an EFY counselor and she was a participant at the same session and she was just so proud and excited that her sister was one of the "cool" counselors. And all of her little friends came up to me with this star struck look. it was so fun.....
Well for valentines day i got the privilege of being invited out with the girls to see Justin Bieber.......with 6 sophomore girls screaming and crying and taking pictures with his cutout that they BROUGHT TO THE MOVIE. Life size beiber next to us. Now i lived at liberty square too......and im not going to admit to how long ago THAT was. But walking from their apartment to the car with them screaming "get it girl! yeah! gonna jump on THAT!" and just going NUTS was a weird kind of deijavu/nostalgia for me. I mean i like to have fun and dance and party as much as the next girl, but I realized i was a bit OVERWHELMED by bieber fever. So much screaming. So much beiber. So much 'mean girls'-esque attitude in my face in one night. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the biebs just as much as any girl. Im just a little more contained about it i guess. That doesn't mean im old right???? i like to call it being chill. But at the heart of it all, I was just happy to spend valentines with my sister, and to see her so happy (aka crying over Justin Bieber for 2 hours and singing all the songs!). Ok ok i sang the songs too. And i guess im still hip If i can hang out with 20 year olds and fit in just fine. Of course I appreciated the beibs so much more after that movie......It made me appreciate what a 16 year old musician can offer the world. And how far each of us can go just with some talent and a little persistence. Ive got at least that. So thanks Justin Bieber for Inspiring me. And for giving me an excuse to hang out with my favorite sister. On valentines day there was one less lonely girl :)

1 comment:

Sam and Kat said...

hahaha!! you crack me up. i loved this post so much. i remember being just like those rambunctious 20 year olds in my freshman/sophomore years. i guess we ARE growing up, em! how scary! hehe ;)