Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog stockers-here ya go!!!!

My friend did this on her blog, and I kinda liked it. This is for all my new friends that now stalk my blog :) here goes....

Fifty random things about me:

1.I am an adrenaline junkie. I love rock climbing, four wheeling, snowboarding and wake boarding, cliff jumping and watching scary movies. And i've been skydiving too! I won't pretend like I don't get scared to do this stuff, but I love the rush. And ironically i've never broken a bone in my body or even been to the hospital. IM INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!!!

2.I hate wearing shoes. I love walking on the grass or sand or even the sidewalk with my bare feet. One time i even went to class with no shoes in revolutionary rebellion. I know this is kind of weird, but you should try it!! Its so liberating!

3.I have horrible fashion sense. My sister can attest to this. Almost everything in my closet (at least everything that looks good) was picked out by someone else. If its kind of weird or ugly or too big or some crazy color, then i probably picked it out myself. But I have a few of those things that i just can't let go of!!! Like an amazing lime green sweater from H&M that I just love. I love colors!!!!!

4. I always wished that I had an older brother or sister. I just think it would be cool to have someone looking out for me kind of like i look out for my brother and sister.

5. I never floss my teeth. Now I know this is disgusting, but I just hate the feeling of that waxy floss between my teeth! Its like nails on a chalk board to me!!!! im going to be toothless by the time im 35.

6. I type incredibly fast. And therefore I always write WAY TOO MUCH because i type at about the speed that i could speak. about 95 WPM. This goes back to elementary school when our teacher never made us type with the board over our hands, so i just always pecked around for the right letters. Then in Jr high i was the slowest one in the whole school.....i never learned! So my freshman year in high school, my mom made me take typing. I hated her for that!!! But i got really good, and then I IM'ed with my friends every single night, and i got really REALLY good.

7. I am a restless person. I love to move. I love to change my outfits multiple times in the same day. I love to change the song before it is done playing. I change who i like almost daily. I just need change in my life.

8. I am extremely nepotistic. I favor people I know and like. I will recommend them for a job over someone else, even if I have no idea how well they will do.

9. I can't hide my emotions. And my emotions tend to be on all ends of the really high highs, and really low lows. Not in a crazy way of course....but I also am NOT one of those people that just wears the same smile all the time and never gets excited or irritated or extatic about anything. If i'm enthused about something, I am VERY enthused. If I don't really like you, you will probably know because i can't hide it. If I love you, I love you ALOT. And you will feel it. If im upset, or irritated, you will be able to tell.

10. I have a secret ambition to be a girl scout troop leader. I love camping, and i love all the patches and crafts and campfire building. I love it all! And this is a perfect mom thing to do so if i don't have at least one daughter i'll just die because I want to do this!

11. I'm obsessed with Africa. I feel like one day when I go there my heart will both explode and go crazy because of all of the emotions that I have there. Whenever I see those little black babies on the TV with nothing to eat i start to go nuts inside! And when I see pictures of a savannah, a giraffe, or the people there with their beautiful tribal robe things and dark DARK skin, I feel ANGST for Africa. I also really want to beat a drum to some legit tribal music with legit tribal people.

12. I'm crazy for cheeze-its. And peanut butter. Sometimes I even eat them together and it's GLORIOUS.

13. I love China. I love everything about it! Especially the chinese language and the people. I could seriously eat chinese food every meal, and not get tired of it. This is partly from me actually having to DO that for awhile, but now the thought of american food just turns me off alot. I love rice and noodles and SUSHI!!!!

14. I love to dance! And i don't mean sweet little ballroom steps. This dancing resembles napoleon dynamite and step up 3D EXPLOSION! Arms and legs and hair everywhere! This is the most BOSS dancing you have ever seen! And it usually only happens in the car, in the shower, or in my room when i'm bored.

15. I love art. Looking at it and MAKING it! I love to be creative, especially watercolors or messy pencils. I like getting it everywhere.

16. Im super crafty. When i was in high school all the ladies at the church used to get together for their craft blitz twice a year. Every time It was my mom and tons of older ladies that came, and sixteen year old me! Martha Stewart living is one of my favorite magazines.

17. I'm not a girly girl. I love getting messy and dirty or wet. I pride myself in my mud football victories. I love to climb trees in my skirt. Im also a clutz. I drop my crap all the time, and i get more food on me than in my mouth.

18. I have the best friends ever. This really is true. I have friends that would do ANYTHING for me, and I love them so much......sadly most of them are married or don't live here anymore. But i've been blessed to have SO MANY best friends that never forget me! Because when I make friends with someone, I make GOOD friends. And they stick! Friends are one of the most important things to me. All the random aquaintances in the world can't make up for someone that KNOWS you and responds to you in the way that you want.

19. I wish I had more close friends right now :(......

20. I make jewelry. I got started when i was about 19 and I just never stopped. I think im pretty good at least that's what people tell me.

21. I am part deaf in my left ear. When i was 4 and my mom was doing my hair, she let me hold the bobby pins. One of them jammed itself into my ear somehow :) It makes music teaching a littler harder.

22. I feel destined to be a teacher. I've always loved it. I loved being an EFY counselor. I loved being a tutor and TA during college. I love teaching the missionaries at the MTC. I loved teaching people about God in Hong Kong. Hearing someone pray for the very first time is probably one of the most moving experiences I have ever had.

23. Teenagers are meant for me! They are so cool! And I like to think i'm pretty cool too so we go well together. My friend used to say that most women can't wait to have a baby or have little kids. But ME, well I would love my kids to come straight out of the womb being around the age of 16. Kinda True.

24. I love wrestling. I actually like to call it 'wrassling' because it isn't the legit kind that has weight classes and rules. I just like to run and jump on people!!!!! This also helps me get out any built up aggression. I busted a girl's face one time wrassling her. Don't underestimate me. I have pinned girls that are twice my size. My goal in life is to take a boy down in glorious victory: FACE TO PAVEMENT. Usually only my best friends that have some guts will take me on though :(

25. I've always wanted to learn Karate. I think number 24 can explain this.

26. I like to eat. I eat alot, and I feel NOOOOOO shame in that. I mean i'm still healthy, but I hate calorie counting. It annoys me when I see girls doing that.

27. I'm secretly obsessed with California. Not just the place. All things California. I love the beach and the chill attitude and the weather. I love food in California too and how most California people love organic stuff and rainbow flip flops. Music teachers also get paid alot more there, and the kids learn more than just CLASSICAL. If i wasn't from Texas, I would wish I was from there.

28. I LOVE TEXAS. i love Texas!!!!!! And i don't care if you are annoyed about this. It is the absolute best place on the planet. it feels like HOME there to anyone that comes. Texas people aren't too cool to make friends with the people around them. Come visit me if you need proof. I just love that place.

29. I hate capitalizing words. I never capitalize my name, or the names of proper nouns. I just don't like it and this is my blog so I don't have to.

30. My middle name is marie, same as my mom and grandma. My first name came from a lady on my dad's favorite TV show back in the day that featured Dick Van Dike as the star. That's how old it was and I can't remember the name. But he said that the lady Emily was beautiful and he liked the name. I secretly wish that my name was more unique though.I could see myself being called Summer. Or Autumn. Seasons are totally original right!?

31. I am a bonafide country girl. I eat okra and grits. Biscuits and gravy are a personal favorite. I abbreviate my words (like fixin'). I call people honey. I only like warm weather, and I like rolling around in the mud. I WANT a JEEP!!! I also think that farm boys are hot. YES. but not Utah farm boys. sorry.

32. I am one of the only people I know that loves almost every kind of music. R&B is my favorite. Like Chris Brown, Usher, and Ne-Yo. Ill admit I like pop music. Dance music is the best cause I can jam....MICHAEL JACKSON! I have a love hate relationship with Lady Gaga. I hate her cause she is nast. I love her because she's got so much talent. And when I hear Alejandro, Poker Face, or Bad Romance I HAVE to sing along. I have fought this tooth and nail but Lady Gaga wins every time. My fave bands are Dashboard Confessional, Deathcab Coldplay, Imogen Heap, Jack Johnson, Blue October, Regina Spektor, or Colbie Collait. I really like emo music. Think Dashboard's VERY first album. I love country too. Lonestar, Rascal Flats, and Taylor Swift are some faves. To name some more I love 70s, 80s, 90s, some techno, classical, opera, rap, and classic rock. I used to have all of Ludicris' songs on my ipod. These days Im tryin' to clean it up a little :) I DONT like too much screaming cause It sounds too painful to me, and I don't like my musical experiences to be painful. Alternative is sweet too. I dig Yellowcard, Ataris......OH yeah and electronic like Hellogoodbye and Owlcity.

33. I want summer to be here NOW. That is my time. I live for swimming and being tan and chilling with friends every day. I can't wait for flip flops and shorts and long warm nights that you can stay out and play outside in. And SNOWCONES!! I love the snow shack in orem....they add creme or ice cream to your snow cone. And my favorite is the fuzzy navel.

34. I'm really hungry right now. Why am i writing on this blog instead of eating?????????

35. This summer I am going to learn how to play the guitar. My mom gave me her old one and i've learned how to play chords but i've never actually played anything on it. I just need that for my soul.

36. My parents have been divorced since i was 4. This is not the tragedy that everyone seems to think when I tell people because life actually got alot better for all of us after that. I have the best step parents in the world! how can you argue with having 4 parents?

36. I think about love alot, and what it means to me to love someone, or to love a friend. Love is so important to me and I try not to hide it when I love someone. All my relationships seem to be very INTENSE. LIke the kind of love you see in movies. Its big and its epic and its burning.....and I don't know if its gonna be there tomorrow or not, so I cling to every moment. This kind of love is so angsty, and kind of desperate. Somewhere in my mind I think that love should be more calm and constant; built over time out of mutual respect and not formed solely out of passion and raw emotion. Deep down I believe this is the reason that im not married....because i've never experienced this kind of love. I'm not even sure If I know how to love like this. maybe one day.......

37. I am impulsive! Most of the best decisions I have ever made where made in a split second on a whim. I mean I always have a plan but sometimes at the very last second I have a strong strong feeling to change, and so I go with it. I trust my gut and it's never gotten me into trouble yet. That's how I decided to serve a mission too. My poor mom always gets a heart attack from these decisions.

38. I have an attitude. My real friends can embrace that.

39. I need to feel included in a circle of friends, and I try hard to be accepted by people. It is one of my biggest fears that you won't accept me for who I am or that you will think i'm weird. I don't want anyone to actually KNOW that i try though. I try to play it cool.

39. In high school I ran track. I ran the long distance races and I trained for forever to run these. This makes me think Im pretty legit. I like to think that I started to get my ambitious drive from pounding out all those miles every day. However, the real reason I joined was because this boy I loved was running too. :) Convenient.

40. I really really really want to ride in a hot air balloon.

42. I always stay up late. I can't remember the last time I went to sleep before 11.

43. I have a love affair with life. It's up and down. One day i'm madly in love with it and another day i'm just feeling like it's blah. I also have a love affair with my Mac. And Adam Brody.

44. I am a letter writer. That is one of my favorite things to do. My words come out better written than in person.

45. I'm really excited for next month.....Cause its my birthday!!! And of course the festival of colors. If you don't know what that is you should google it, and then you should get out more!

46. I'm singing in a recital this semester. I'm both excited for the challenge and kind of nervous. I haven't done a recital in awhile. Its April 9th at 5:30 if you are interested :)

47. Sometimes I like to walk around the house wearing my favorite hoodie with the hood up. I secretly pretend that i'm a legit balla' or a little blonde bad-a or something. The only reason I think I can get away with this is because I grew up with a ton of black kids and they treated me like I was their own!

48. I hate chocolate milk but i'm addicted to chocolate soy milk. Go figure.

49. One of my VERY favorite things to do is to drive in the car with the windows down with my best friends. And we have to bust out our favorite songs together like its the last time we will ever get to sing them! Something about singing together and driving together just bonds me to people! I have some of my best memories in the car running away with my friends to california, vegas, moab.....! So if you go on a road trip with me, ill probably love you forever.

50. My favorite song all through high school was "A thousand miles" by Vanessa Carlton. Haha I know that's not like some deep song, but I liked it. Now its "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab. Or "Hide and Seek" By Imogen Heap.

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