Sunday, October 5, 2008

im going to go ahead and dedicate this post to this boy that i sometimes love...he'll probably never read this. He probably WILL invite me over to his house for conference tomorrow only to ignore me and pretend like we never rolled around in the grass, or cried in each others arms, or like he never gave me that bruise on my neck. uh huh. AND he'll probably try to set me up with his friend just so that he can try to distract me from distracting him from distracting me from my oh so recent trip to Asia. i dont really know. hannah would say "smatchoo"??? (whats the matter with you?)

Truth be doesnt really matter. I dont know if you ever really loved me....i sure hope so. But this is me officially making my heart let you go. I renounce you and the un-erasable strings that keep me hanging in a permanent free fall of your wake. I allow myself to forget you because i dont think about me in terms of you, or you in terms of us anymore. Because im tired of being humored, and when i come back i deserve someone who gives a crap. So here's what you've been wanting. I release you....all in the name of China.


beckster said...

Go for it, Em. That was the most awesome thing ever. If he is being as much of a doorknob as to mess around with you, then he's not even worth the crap on the bottom of your dirtiest shoes. Love you girl!

Unknown said...


Penelope Celeste said...

WOW. You are one strong woman. I was touched by this post... I don't know why... I guess I just understand how FREAKING hard it is and I'm so impressed by your ability to "release" this guy. You go girlfriend. Be strong. I warned you about him... FORGET HIM. Heavenly Father will bless you with someone much better upon your return. Love you. xox

Lisa said...

That was beautifully said, Em. Love you!