Friday, July 18, 2008

these days

so these days, nothing is really the same with me. My mind is all different and re-arranged as if i cleaned out all the knick knacks in the closet and set them on different shelves. When i see a shooting star, i think of alarm clocks, and dancing, and waking up in the middle of the night for lack of ear plugs. The sound of 2 pairs of shoes rhythmically hitting the beautiful pavement, or the shiny objects on B.W. jumping for joy with me as i revel in the presence of a truly unique human being. I miss the swirling colors and the hidden food items that look good enough to eat. I drew artistic inspiration once from this form of concentrated positivity that keeps me up every night with constant squeaking and an apple that glows. my memories swirl in a breeze of lime green and yellow of times when i could never be tainted by even the hint of a frown. yet busy-ness is the downfall that has made my days slightly greyer than before. I have been so lucky to have known you.


Pancake: said...

Yep, I concure. How did you find my blog?

emily marie said...

you were on janes list of blogs or something like that...and i was like hey i know you. lets be friends :)

Millas said...

The funny thing is Zac y Pancake y Emily knew each other before London. I am sure you ran into Pancake when I came by your apt at King Henry EM. Glad you had fun in London!