Saturday, July 12, 2008

staying connected

Do you ever think about how people are inter connected? Lately i have been realizing more and more how we affect others lives just by existing, and how we can be tied to another person in the most discreet ways. I recently went to San Diego California to visit a friend that i met at BYU because he was in the FHE group of my best friend freshman year. My best friend and i met because we were both dumped by the same boy our freshman year, and decided that we liked being friends with each other more than being this kids girl friend. I met the boy because he was the best friend of a guy in my summer 2004 ward who ended up being the boyfriend of the girl that lived next door to me in helaman halls that summer, who also became a very good friend, and will be living with me next year! Whew....that was long. Anyways, while at church in san diego, i was talking with the sister missionaries at the YSA, and one of them happened to be the old roomate from idaho of a friend who is serving in Spain right now! Small world!

Anyone ever heard of the game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? Well i guess Kevin Bacon is a big shot in the movie business, and claims that any famous person can be connected back to him in 6 links or less! Ive never tried it, b ut i can honestly say that i am connected to Martha stewart in only 2! not that anyone

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