Saturday, August 9, 2008

hard questions

i hate it when people ask me hard questions. Like for example, not too long ago, someone asked me who i planned to vote for. Having few opinions about the candidates besides the fact that they all suck, i tried to save face:

yeah not so smart.
someone also recently asked me if i've ever been in love. Wow thats big. I mean, i feel like ive been in love. There are definitely people that i have loved. But thinking about it, im obviously not married or in a serious relationship. but ive been in love? what does love even mean?? If you love someone and you decide not to be with them, is that REALLY loving them? or is it just easy to fall in love with people that i shouldn't? because i know that in the end i cant have them, and i wont have to give my entire self. If you dont make yourself vulnerable enough to someone to give up everything for them just to be together, is that love or not? I mean, if the person was a worthy candidate of your love in the first place. Or can love be squashed as quickly as it sprung by judgements and annoyances such as "he likes salt and vinegar chips, and that is just repulsive! oh no....we like totally different food! HOW COULD WE EVER GET MARRIED!!!" I definitely have the desire to one day love the right person so fully, but im nervous. Ive always been nervous, lets face it. To me its like ripping out your heart and holding it in front of that person. Its palpating furiously in front of them, and they can either take it and cradle it with both hands, or hurl it against the nearby brick wall, only to erupt and slide to the floor still half beating. mangled beyond repair. Alot of this mentality is borne from where ive come from: by life and my background. In my mind, its so hard to envision one person spending the rest of their life loving another unconditionally because ive never seen it firsthand. logically I know there are good men out there who would love me and be a loving father to my children. But in my mind....would they REALLY love me forever? now im just over analyzing. like i said, i hate it when people ask me hard questions.

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