Thursday, August 28, 2008


I believe in freedom of choice. In our religion we do not accept things such as gay marraige or abortion, and i support this. However, how often does a gay person come up to a straight person and ask "Do you accept my gayness?" No...they do not. they dont care if we as individuals give credit to their sexuality. They just want to be collectively accepted for who they are and what they do i. And even though those beliefs are different than mine, i can respect that. Agreement and acceptance are completely different. I think people should be free to make wrong choices just like i am free to try to make right ones.

Marriage and Union are two separate things. Union is when the government accepts the couple for tax and legal reasons, and marriage is when God does. Who is to say what God accepts other than Him? Let people get married, gay, straight, stupid, smart, fat, skinny, and let God decide whose union is valid in his eyes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i agree. i worry about homosexual couples adopting or having kids... that's scary. what do those kids learn about family? but as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, i say let them do what they want. i liked how you said they're free to make wrong choices just like you're free to make right ones. that's really profound.