Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kung Foo

Ok so sorry that I suck so much at posting. So much for every day. But guess what, a couple weeks ago I went to the Provo farmers market and I saw a booth with some signs for martial arts. Well, what you might not know about me is that I have a passion for wrestling and getting out physical agression. I like to throw things and play fight with my friends. I have even beat some girls that are quite larger than I am! Anyways, when I saw this guy I just couldn't help myself. And he offered me a deal to try out their martial arts center at 3 classes a week plus a private lesson and the little robe thing all for one month, for less than $50! Sounds like a deal to me! So I did it!!!! And viola, today was my first day of kung foo class.

Now, you may not know that kung foo masters have serious standards. You cannot enter the floor without putting on your kung foo robe and belt. You MUST also bow before stepping on to the floor, and bow when stepping off. Class starts and ends with meditation. we did alot of push ups, dance like stretches (all 3 splits and various other poses.....I felt embarrassed because i've pretty much completely lost my splits now :/ ) And THEN we got to the good stuff.....beating each other up! In my class there are only like 8 of us, and the 'Sense'. Yup, that's legit. There is a sense. Then he taught us pretty much how to get someone off of you that comes up to you and grabs your shirt to beat you up. The moves were in about 5 parts and we practiced them over and over. I kind of feel like an expert in that area now. I even got out of a big strong boy's strong-hold! There are 2 other girls in my class, so naturally I am their partners. They are both very nice and pretty strong. I think I said "ouch" at least 5 times while they were practicing on me, purely out of instinct. However, these girls are very devout of the rules of kung foo-ism and so when I started to take my belt off at the end of class, they immediately started hissing at me "kneel!....KNEEL!" I guess you can only take your belt off when you kneel lol. Man this stuff is so asian. Welp, till next time....can't wait till I get to beat more people up!!!

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