Wednesday, June 22, 2011

here's to visiting teaching.

So, many of you have heard of visiting teaching before. Its where another girl from relief society may or may not come over and talk to you once a month. She may offer her friendship, or advice in time of need. She may even offer her help when needed with moving or being sick, etc. Well I would just like to say that visiting teaching is inspired for sure. For a long long time my visiting teachers never came. But after my mish I guess God knew that I would need some rockin women to come and rock my world!
Here is my very first and only visiting teacher that ever came pre mish! (kinda sad :/) Her name is Drea. Short for Andrea. She took me under her wing during a summer when i was stuck in Provo, pretty bored and lonely. This girl is hilarious and fun and also very genuine. She took me with her on a trip to Winnemucka Nevada with her 2 step brothers. One of them, Tyler, became probably the best guy friend that I have ever had!!! And we had so many good times over the years. Yup all that started with visiting teaching.
The visiting teacher from this past year was one of my favorites. Her name is Megan and she served in Taiwan and we would talk for hours about our different missions. We would even talk about how much we loved our jade bracelets that random little Chinese people gave us, and she cried with me when mine broke lol :) She went shopping with me for ugly MTC skirts and she likes jamming to Justin Bieber too. She was one of the first women I actually liked after coming home from a mission. and I really needed that cause she is rad. And sometimes I am rad too.
Well, the universe has truly outdone itself because I really have the best visiting teacher of all time now. My visiting teacher rocks my socks off. She has the best taste in music of anyone I know. And the best style. WHY does that matter you ask? Well, when you are an RM my friends, you need all the help and mix CDs you can get :). I think she is probably the best looking visiting teacher i've ever had, and that's really sayin' somethin'! She brings me pumpkin cookies and goes to the park with me when I need to study. My visiting teacher is so devoted to me that she even stands by me in various annoying clubs in school that I have to be the president of. She came to my birthday party and out to get fro yo with me when I turned 2_. She has the best nerd laugh of anyone I know and definitely gives the best advice of any visiting teacher that I have ever had. If I could find a "I heart my visiting teacher" shirt and wear it around Provo, I probably would. Obvi. The last few days i've been a little emotional/doubting myself. And OF COURSE-she came over! And she talked to me-and i spilled my guts and she gave me oh so wise and beyond her years advice that made my heart feel so warm. The "everything is going to be ok in the end" kind of advice. And if it's not ok, then its not the end! I am serious folks, you have never had a visiting teacher this good. There is no other woman around here with a heart as warm and a spirit as strong as this woman. My visiting teacher even takes me with her on road trips to California :D Sure is lucky when your best friend ends up as your visiting teacher. :) :) :)
Love you Emileigh.

Moral of the st0ry? Visiting teachers really do make a difference. I promise.


emileigh norling said...

Girl, I freakin' love you!!!
And for the record, you know I'll nerd laugh for you whenever you want ;)

drea said...

Emily! I just came across your blog! Hope all is well and we should go get yogurt or something. We have a lot of catching up to do. Text me if you still have my number! Love, Drea