Monday, November 24, 2008

10/30/08 in the London Book:
I am thankful. I am alive. I love the color of my life: Piercing orange that fades into a mist. That is the aura of my intensity. For i am like the rising sun. Awake from my frost. Under ice-i claw at the placid surface that encases me. No marks, except my fingernails are bloody. The cries from my burning lungs are shot backward with the fire of fear. I am alive, just giving my cells over to the wild. They rub together all at once-a collaborative effort from my crystalizing body-protecting itself. They are moving, holding, running, jumping for their freedom. DNA awaking from its natural placidity to rebirth the soul. My atoms repel the space of water. Collective friction in my fingers and then the sunrise braking from my womb, the center of my indifference. And summers day is met with melting hearts-beneath the ice that fades to nothing like the fleeting tick of time. And i arise without fear on my bare skin-my glow separating me from the monster. my orange has begun.

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