Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tomorrow's the day

So tomorrow I become a legit full time paid teacher. I'm kinda nervous. Mostly really excited and overwhelmed. I assist 4 different middle school choir programs so the last few days have just been a whirl of meeting with directors and looking at music and picking out my first legit teacher outfit. That was a tough part.

Sooooo First day of school: Things I SHOULD be doing:

Practicing music
making lesson plans
picking out 10 items that describe myself
singing to get my voice out of this funk its been in all summer
Buying music stickie notes and other cutesie crap for my desk (all my directors are over achievers and decorate to the max and have color coded binders and adorable music stuff on their desks. Meh i'm lazy)
Exercising. Yeah THAT needs to happen ASAP.

What I'm ACTUALLY doing:

Watching Pretty little liars, a dumb show that you should never get addicted to.
talking on the phone for 3 hours catching up with some of my favorite people!!
eating cookies....and sneaking the raw dough straight from the bowl. I live on the edge.
Facebooking.....or facebook stalking all the new friends I made at church today. whatever you call it.
thinking about doing productive things.

So there you have the truth. Tomorrow will be all business, I promise :)

On that note, here's a few of my goals for this upcoming week.

Organize my lesson plans and music
Clean up and organize all my stuff (since I just moved)
Exercise 3X this week. Like legit hardcore reak of sweat afterwards work outs
drink 3 bottles of water a day.
Get to bed by 10:30 every night (already failed for today oops)
Reach out to people so I can make some new friends :)
Write on this blog a few times
Tell my mom how much she rocks for being amazing and letting me live here/making me an amazing dinner and putting up with me talking loudly on the phone for awhile.
Try my best to learn my students' names the first time they meet me.

So there ya go. More info on life to come soon.



1 comment:

Sam and Kat said...

I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Hope everything went well! You are gonna be an awesome teacher! :)