Saturday, February 5, 2011


Have you ever heard of this book? "The secret" By Rhonda Byrne? Its a book that I actually heard about for awhile but never bought because it was only in hard back. On my mission I had several investigators ask me about this book, and if it was true. And i couldn't really answer them since i had never read it. i mean its just a BOOK right. How can one flimsy little book hold the secret to life?
Well....this one does ladies and gents!

The secret talks about the secret to live and success in Relationships, health, wealth, etc etc. And it kind of just talks about the laws of attraction in the universe. Basically, if you have positive thoughts, you will attract positive things into your life. If you have negative thoughts, then you will attract negative things. you ATTRACT what you think about most. SO, if you are always scared that you are going to biff the big stair at school and fall on your face in front of that crush of yours, guess what, you are going to do it. Just because it is what your mind is focusing on. So we potentially ATTRACT our fears into our lives! So interesting! And i really believe this to be true because thats why life is always so ironic. If I spend all of my free time thinking about something I DONT want to happen, then it always happens! The person I was always afraid of being companions with on my mission, yup they were always my companion.

OK OK maybe im playing into some hype a little bit. But there seems to be some truth to the power of positive thinking. Just like in the Placebo affect. Sometimes we can make our body sick just because our mind convinces it that it is.

One example goes like this: A man in the book really wanted to find someone to marry, But he could never find anyone to even go out with. So the author of the secret came to his home to interview him. And he had portraits that he had painted everywhere around his house because he was an artist. But all of them were of strange women with their backs toward the painting, kind of looking over their shoulder as a side thought out of the painting. The author told the man "all of these women have their backs to you in the paintings. Why is that?" the painter explained that he just liked the paintings and hung them around the house for his enjoyment. "well, I want you to take them down and paint new ones. In each painting paint three women that are looking straight out of the painting right at you. If you do this, then you will have three dates every week" So the painter did just that and within a couple of months, he was getting more dates with beautiful women than he knew how to handle! All because of his own influence on his own thinking through his paintings. Then the man said "These dates are great, but I want to fall in love" So the author told him to paint it! And he did, and within a few months he met the woman that is now his wife.

Think of what is posted around in your room...are those the kinds of things that you think about alot? Or maybe the paintings on the wall where you grew up? I knew a woman that told me of a painting that used to hang on her mantle in her home. Her children saw it every single day of their childhood. It was a huge painting of a large boat, rocking on a tranquil sea. And she said that every single one of her children went off to join the navy, or live on an island, or work overseas. And she believed this to be due in part to that painting that they saw every day.

Now im kind of getting off topic here. But i DO believe that our thoughts make us who we are. They send signals and invisible airwaives to people. And i think all that the secret really boils down to is......get ready.....Faith. Simple old faith. If we believe good things will happen in our lives, and that everything happens for a reason, It will. If we believe things won't work out, they won't simple as that.


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