Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I'm going to admit something to you. I seriously hate looking at this blog. it needs a makeover so bad! But i've been too lazy (and too sick the past 3 days) to do anything about it. So maybe tomorrow i'll fix it.....don't hold your breath though. There's so many things on my list of TODOs, and only like a few days left of my winter break. crap.

Before I post my goals for 2014, which are many, I want to tell you some things that i've learned in 2013. It's been an interesting year to say the least. One of many lessons learned, laughs, tears, and some dissapointments and huge life goals achieved. I moved to California for one, which was a HUGE step forward for me. I finished my first year of real work experience, and moved on to a REAL job doing my craft in the place that I love. I bought my dream car, a 2013 Jeep patriot. I spent alot of time with a few people that are dear to me, and made alot of new friends. So I'd say i should be proud of myself. Well done Emily. Even though this year wasn't perfect, it was far from a flop.

I've learned:

You become the things you think about. 

To let go of people that aren't meant for me. 

Even if everyone tells you that you are crazy for trying to live your dreams, they are usually wrong. You won't know till you try. 

I will make myself happy first. Then i'll do what i'm able for others. 

I am worthy of being loved. 

I am beautiful and am just as good as the best of them. 

Hate and fear are not productive. Love is. 

You will bring your fears into existance by focusing on them. 

Change is good nor bad. It just is. 

It is a worth while cause to follow my bliss. 

Not all spirituality comes from a religious book. 

It's not all about money. 

Don't give more than you've got to lose. 

Nothing hits me like a day at the ocean. 

To fight for my needs and wants. My feelings ARE important. 

To have the courage to walk away when I feel i'm being undervalued. 

To love people unconditionally and freely as much as I am able.

To not push myself into things i'm not ready for. 

To be true to myself and not apologize for who I am. 

Less talking and less words are sometimes better. 

And there it is. So many lessons i have taken away from this year. It has been a good one and a hard one. And lets just say, 2014 you better deliver. I'm expecting the best year yet.