Wednesday, October 8, 2008

workin for plaz dollaz

the other day i was at the "bio medical" lab on center street, where i sell my plasma for play money. Im sittin in the chair with a mondo needle up my arm when the lady comes up next to my machine and says "this thing is acting SKETCH" as i sit there hooked up to it. Man, i was having doubts before, but now i just feel so good about this hookie thing that sucks my blood out of me and spins it up. Its clunking and making serious noises. She calls for some other equally legit guy to come and fix it, and he walks up and starts BANGING ON THE SIDE OF IT, and then walks away. wow.....the things we do for money.

1 comment:

Penelope Celeste said...

Seriously Emily, you need to stop giving that precious plasma of yours away... I know you need money, but it's just disturbing... People need plasma in Hong Kong! =)