Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3-picture of yourself as a child

Ok, all of the best pictures of me are in my photo albums at home! and I still haven't mastered scanners yet, soooo here is the best I got. Pretty cute eh? I mean, I do what I can. Thats my sister and my brother next to me, and even though we are so different, I have the best brother and sister in the entire world. We grew up under kind of hard circumstances, and some how hard things seem to bring people together and make them even closer than they could have been otherwise! My mom used to always call my sister "Pidgy" and my brother "Alli-scoots" lol. She just called me Emmie....pretty standard. But hey, thats our family! We don't need any of that excentric crap, or a gajillion people in our family to feel like we matter. Us three are all about the quality, and these 2 are quality people. I can't think of 2 people with more integrity and loyalty on this planet! And look at those smiles.....we are so perfect.

That picture was taken on Easter like 20 years ago, and those threads are high class Easter clothes that our momma bought us! And 20 years later, she still puts $100 in my bank account for a new easter dress. Our family rocks....in style. Now I just gotta go shopping!!! One of my besties come with me, PLEASE!!!

1 comment:

Laura Masterson said...

everything about this is great. i love you!